Some new stuff!

>> Sunday, November 22, 2009

I've decided to start posting some GMH's & IMMD's each time I post; they give me hope and make my day and it might just make yours! And, if it can make you smile, it's totally worth it.

  • "While I was playing with my rather large dog of whom my neighbors are afraid of, I picked up a fluffy dandelion and blew on it. He then proceeded to yelp and run away with his tail between his legs and hid under my car."
  • "A friend of mine told me how he rear ended another car yesterday. The person he hit happened to be a midget. The guy got out his car and walked to my friend’s window, looked up and said, “I am not happy.” To which my friend replied, “Then which one are you?”"
  • "I asked my grandpa if he was going to fly back for Christmas with the family, and he snorted and said “yeah, in my ROFLCOPTER.”"

  • "I just started therapy for a 10 year long battle with Bulimia. I went to the library to grab some books on ED Recovery. Tonight, I opened up one of the books to start reading and an index card fell out with GMH's site and it stated "Smile! You are beautiful!" It made me cry."
  • "A few years ago I got too drunk at a party and was dragged into an alley to be raped. A fellow student heard the commotion and knocked my attacker unconscious. Apparently he stayed with us both until the ambulance and police came. He never told me his name. His Random act of bravery GMH."

    Please remember these are NOT my stories, they are just from each respective site.

    Okay! Back onto normal blogging! So, this week is Thanksgiving. I haven't made any plans to go back home, which is kind of sad, and really a huge relief! It feels weird to be away from "home," and at the same time, I'm not under a ton of "home stress." We aren't doing anything for Thanksgiving either, I don't think.

    I've decided to start doing some Operation Beautiful work. I say work, but it isn't. It is so rewarding. I love to see people smile. Basically, you write a positive note, and stick it in a random public place so someone will be able to see it and read it. I made a whole post it note pad full of them. I'm going to take pics of each one if I can and post them up here. Operation Beautiful is amazing.

    I'm wanting to start a story, including some of my life events, but I want it to not be set in this time period. Like, I actually want it to be vampire-y or whimsical or something, something different. And, not vampires like the sparkling one. Maybe it'll be like "If I were a guy...", a gay guy, who is goth! Alliteration anyone? (<- Did you see that?)

    I finished playing the game Chrono Trigger for SNES, which always makes me cry. It's a great game. You can get it on an emulator and play it on your computer. If you like RPG's at all, this one is classic.

    Anyway, it's 5.30a, and it's time for bed, after, that is, I save in Oblivion! (Off to kill necromancers!)


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