Que sera, sera.

>> Friday, October 16, 2009

What I'm listening to:

This week has been going great! I couldn't imagine this week staying busy, but it looks like it is!

So, Monday went well with Mark, the maintenance guy, tub is no longer filled with mildew-y grossness. He needs to replace an outlet in the game room because it no longer grabs, which isn't good. And our TV is being retarded, and turns off once you turn it on, unless you push the game controls, which is ridiculous!

Tuesday, the psychologist appointment. I really clicked with this guy which, without a doubt, is the key to help. Our main point of that appointment was to bring him up to date about me. Harder said than done. I did learn that panic attacks usually have a common denominator- of repressed anger before the age of self awareness- so a lot of my panic goes back to my mom (thanks! ) being a fail-parent. I still need to go into more detail about my sophomore year in HS with him, but que sera, sera, what will be, will be. Also , around Tuesday, I noticed an abnormal mole on my back - and Jesse was like "look up the signs of skin cancer," and sure enough it fits four out of the five symptoms, so another doctors appointment. Joy. On another note, my roommate Jesse's little brother split open his lip, 3 or 4 stitches. All from playing flag football.

Wednesday, wednesday, wednesday! Dentist appointment! The guy I went to is brilliant. At any sign of pain during the cleaning I was swabbed with oragel. It was fantastic. Bad news, I have some form of a cavity in every tooth. Cost: $2,500. I'm in desperate need of braces. Cost: $7,000. Having enough confidence to smile? Priceless. I was recommended a toothpaste that was $30, and can prevent and reverse enamal caries! Great, because, a lot of my cavities are just that! I have to have one wisdom tooth and one second molar extracted, and a tooth filled (and if that tooth turns into a root canal it's better for it to be pulled). Another tooth is a cavity, like, no innards to the tooth, it's a shell, and it needs to be saved. So, needless to say, I'm looking for a job to fund all this.

Found a job! Applied, waiting for a call for an interview! It's an adult foster care home, kind of. It's 'assisted living.' Everyone there is basically on their own, except if they need help, they have it. I worked at an AFC home before for 8ish months, and it went great, except that near the end I became allergic to milk and penicillin and was drinking milk at work, on penicillin, - to say the least, a terrible combination. I ended up getting fired for missing so many days. But when you can't stand up from being so sick, lost 30lbs, and doctors can't diagnose what's wrong- it's better you don't go into work when you work with people who have compromised immune systems, am I right? Wrong. Whatever. Que sera, sera. Stephen, Jesse's little brother, is fine. His nickname is now Quack-quack, because of how swollen his lip is, and Stephen and Jesse's younger brother, Tim, was being an attention whore, as usual. Stephen and I played Farmville, and talked about how girls are stupid, and how kittens are cute. Came home around 11.30p. It's been a good week so far.

Need to go shopping tomorrow, do dishes, fold and sort laundry. Maybe make a steak! Next week is going to be hectic too, but if it's not hectic it's boring, then, what is one to do? Still need a name for the kitten, and everyone thinks Sparky is a good name for her because she's spunky and full of fight. Everyone has said Sparky at one point or another without someone else telling them. Watched 'The Emperor's New Groove' Sunday or Monday night, as always, it was fantastic, and I've been quoting it all week. It is comedy genius. It also gave me an idea for a tattoo piece I want. I'll describe that later, but for now, it's pills falling up and down out of a bottle, lyrics, shoulder angels, and the quote, "He's leading you down the path of righteousness, I'm going to lead you down the path that rocks!" for the shoulder-devil. Now just to draw it up! :]

I hope everyone has had a great week!


Anonymous,  October 16, 2009 at 2:16 PM  

im glad all your appointments went well. dentists suck, but your right confedence in a smile is important, good luck with the job thing. it is always better to be busy, then dwelling while bored. scars tattoos and kittens, hell of house hold you got going there

Anonymous,  October 17, 2009 at 11:55 PM  

That's great about your new psychologist!! I'm having some issues with mine, so it's good to hear that you found one you connect with. I hope you the new job goes well and you enjoy it! Ah and good luck with the mole, that's scary stuff! Have a great week mate!


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